It's been a while...

I'm feeling a little hopeful around my migraines these days. There have been a few shifts which have opened a little room for hope. In February, I had a couple of headaches. Not migraines, but headaches which is a great improvement for me. Lately, any headache I've had has progressed into a migraine, so the fact that I was just able to take some Advil and the headache was manageable, is a great improvement. I've also been EFT tapping around my headaches and the pain and discomfort they cause me and it seems to be working. Tapping reduces cortisol levels and takes you out of your stress response- fight, flight or freeze. As I've said in a previous post, it feels like I expect to get migraines now, so my body tries to make me correct and I get migraines. By tapping, I'm turning off that body response and fixing the thought pattern. I will continue to tap daily. On a smaller scale, I've stopped eating oats and stopped drinking oat milk. For a...