
 I don't know why I thought this would be a quick and easy process. For some reason I thought, yup, I'll cut out all the migraine trigger foods, go migraine free for a month and then start introducing foods back in and I'll have it all figured out.  It hasn't worked that way.

I haven't written in a few weeks because it felt like all I had to say was- I've had another migraine.  I'm now in week 8 of my trigger-free diet, and I've had a migraine every week.  There has been no change. So, where has that left me.

Well, I think I may have identified some new triggers- sesame, and Worcestershire sauce.  As well, it's shown me that most of my migraines probably aren't caused by food.  Some are due to changes in atmospheric pressure and some may just be a result of programming.  Deep, deep programming.  You see,  I watched all the women in my life suffer from difficult situations, relationships, life circumstances.  They were strong women, but they suffered.  I saw and heard how difficult life was.  Looking at my past lives, there is suffering there as well.  So, when someone says healing is as simple as changing the way I eat, my inherent programming says ya, right, it can't be that easy.  It's not a conscious thing.  I don't think it.  I don't have an internal monologue that says, alright, let's make this as difficult as I can, but there is something inside of me that believes I have to suffer.  In response to this, I've been working with affirmations and whenever I think 'this is going to cause a headache', I immediately shift to 'I am well, I am whole, life is for me', or 'My head and neck release energy and pain easily and with grace'.  

I've also started tapping to try to shift my nervous system out of fight or flight.  Tapping, or Emotion Freedom Technique (EFT) involves tapping on meridian points which creates a soothing of your nervous system so that you reduce stress and take your body out of the stress response that so many of us live in.  I've only been tapping for a few days, but it does feel good.  It calms and soothes very quickly.

That's the update- I'm still eating mostly trigger-free and I'm tapping my way to mental health.

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