The Cards Say

 There is either something that I'm eating that is a trigger, or my headaches are being caused by something else.  I had another migraine yesterday.  It may have been caused by the maple sesame chicken that I made for dinner (even though the recipe came from a migraine free cookbook), or maybe it's because the atmospheric pressure dropped.  I don't know.  So, I'm getting even stricter with the diet, and writing down EVERYTHING I eat so that I can see if there are any correlations between food and my headaches.  Maybe I have a trigger that I didn't know about- like sesame, or broccoli.  I tend to be special in so many different ways, why not in my triggers?

But, I know that I am on the right track.  I pulled some oracle cards the other day and here's what came up.

Embrace your sensitivity- stop trying to fight against it or deny it exists.  Find a way to look at this migraine thing as a challenge or an adventure rather than something arduous and annoying.

Listen to your body- my body is telling me what I need to know, I just need to learn how to listen.

Tell the truth- stop trying to deny who I am.  Acknowledge and accept that I am that sensitive and that it is a gift.

So, embrace my sensitivity, listen to my body and tell the truth- seems like good advice to me. 
