
Showing posts from February, 2021


 I don't know why I thought this would be a quick and easy process. For some reason I thought, yup, I'll cut out all the migraine trigger foods, go migraine free for a month and then start introducing foods back in and I'll have it all figured out.  It hasn't worked that way. I haven't written in a few weeks because it felt like all I had to say was- I've had another migraine.  I'm now in week 8 of my trigger-free diet, and I've had a migraine every week.  There has been no change. So, where has that left me. Well, I think I may have identified some new triggers- sesame, and Worcestershire sauce.  As well, it's shown me that most of my migraines probably aren't caused by food.  Some are due to changes in atmospheric pressure and some may just be a result of programming.  Deep, deep programming.  You see,  I watched all the women in my life suffer from difficult situations, relationships, life circumstances.  They were strong women, but t...

And So It Is

I got a migraine on the 9th.  Not a big one.  Not super painful, but enough to make me sensitive to light and sound, and to feel nauseous.  No reason that I can figure out.  Just a migraine. I had a session with my intuitive healer and guide on the 9th and she reminded me that our bodies like routine, habit, predictability and that our bodies also listen to what we think.  I have a bad habit of thinking about migraines and my internal monologue quite often goes something like this 'wow, I haven't had a migraine in a while, I bet you I'm going to get one soon.  It's inevitable.  That ginger that I had in my smoothie this morning is probably going to give me one.  Or maybe because I didn't sleep well last night.  Guess I should get ready for a migraine.  I know it's coming.'  I guess my body listens to me, and wants to give me what I expect.  So, my new mantra is:  I no longer get migraines.  I love my body.  And s...

Doing ok

 It's been a week since my last migraine, and I've been feeling pretty good.  I menstruated this past weekend, and did not get a headache.  This is good. I've been monitoring my food intake more closely- tracking my breakfasts and lunches to see if there's something food wise that I've missed.  Maybe green onions, or sesame seeds, or ginger. I did eat some breaded chicken fingers last week, and had some wings and poutine last night for the super bowl.  So far, no headache. I'm celebrating this small victory.  Finding joy and gratitude in even the smallest of things helps me to shift my thinking.

The Cards Say

 There is either something that I'm eating that is a trigger, or my headaches are being caused by something else.  I had another migraine yesterday.  It may have been caused by the maple sesame chicken that I made for dinner (even though the recipe came from a migraine free cookbook), or maybe it's because the atmospheric pressure dropped.  I don't know.  So, I'm getting even stricter with the diet, and writing down EVERYTHING I eat so that I can see if there are any correlations between food and my headaches.  Maybe I have a trigger that I didn't know about- like sesame, or broccoli.  I tend to be special in so many different ways, why not in my triggers? But, I know that I am on the right track.  I pulled some oracle cards the other day and here's what came up. Embrace your sensitivity- stop trying to fight against it or deny it exists.  Find a way to look at this migraine thing as a challenge or an adventure rather than something arduous a...