The Beginning- again
Tomorrow, I begin on the next leg of my healing journey. I've been actively trying to heal for around 10 years now- seeing therapists, osteopaths, healers, Shamans, naturopaths, doctors... it feels like I've seen them all. In most areas, I've made some serious progress. My relationships are much healthier. I've healed some past life traumas, current life traumas and removed a few entities who had attached themselves to me (that's an entirely other story, which I will write about another day). But with all this healing, there is still one affliction that alludes me- migraine headaches.
I started getting migraines when I was 19 years old. At that time, they were once a month, a week before I started my period. They were predictable pretty much to the hour. Then there were two a month, then three and now I am up to 4 a month. I didn't realize how many what was until someone said, 'so you get a migraine every week?' The increase in frequency occurred so slowly that I hadn't really thought about it, but, yes, I average one migraine a week, 4 a month, around 50 in a year. For those of you who don't get migraines, this may seem like a lot. How can one survive with such pain? I assure you, I do not have the worst of it. Many migraine suffers only experience a day or two a month without pain. In some ways, I consider myself lucky that my headaches are manageable and respond well to triptans (migraine medication), but I also believe that it is not my destiny to have to live with this pain. All pain has a source, and if I can figure out the source of my migraines, I can put an end to them.
I record my migraines and possible triggers on a calendar each month |
With this in mind, I have read books, seen doctors, adjusted my diet and exercise, reduced stress but if I were to be honest with myself, I never fully committed to the process. I would follow the plan for a few weeks and then fall off the proverbial wagon. Hopefully, this time will be different.
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