I am well. I am whole. I am safe. Life is for me.
In my search for a cure for my migraines, I have looked far and wide. My family doctor had no greater insight than to give me a medication that would treat the migraine once I had one but had no advice on how to prevent them in the first place. I read books (Heal Your Headache and Migraine Relief Plan) both of which focused on trigger foods. These helped a bit, as I discovered that as I was trying to eat healthier, I was in fact loading myself up on trigger foods- nuts, avocado, banana, citrus to name a few. Removing these trigger foods helped a bit but I found it hard to be consistent, and I wasn't 100 per cent convinced that this is what was causing my migraines. ( I know, I've just committed to doing 30 days of a trigger free diet, and have just said that I don't really believe food is what's causing my migraines. Being of a scientific nature, I can't completely rule out food without a thorough exploration)
Around 5 years ago, I took a workshop with an indigenous healer- Diane Hill. During this workshop, she talked about the Good Mind. She talked about the fact that we are a spiritual being having a human experience and that illness is an emotional and mental issue or program that needs to be processed. She stressed the idea that we have to watch our thoughts, because we will create whatever we believe in, and that energy will flow to that which we think about. These are not new or original thoughts. It seems that you can find this kind of information everywhere these days, but at the time, it was new to me. I had never much thought about where my illnesses were coming from. Western medicine had taught me to treat the symptoms, that everything was physical, but what if it wasn't? What if my headaches were coming from some programming or trauma I received as a child?
At the workshop Diane had a book by Michael J Lincoln, Messages from the Body, in which there were lists of illnesses and the emotional or spiritual source. This is a difficult book to find these days, but one that is readily available is Louise Hay's You Can Heal Your Life. In the book, Hay says the probable cause of migraines is 'Dislike of being driven. Resisting the flow of life.' These both seem relevant to me. For years, I have felt as though my spirit guides were driving me to connect to my intuitive self and I didn't enjoy that at all. As a counter to the probable cause, she offers a new thought pattern; a mantra of sorts. 'I relax into the flow of life and let life provide all that I need easily and comfortably. Life is for me.' Somewhere over the past 5 years, since I found Louise Hay's book, that mantra has shifted to
I still get migraines, but maybe if I continue with therapy and healing trauma in my life, someday, I may be able to say that I am truly well.
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