Today, I am full of fear. I don't know whether I've only just started to experience fear, or if, in the past, I just never registered that's what I was feeling. You see, I learned not to feel at a very young age. Life was better when I didn't have feelings. People around me were happier. It was easier. It's only been in the last few years that I have begun to truly feel and to be able to label those emotions.
I was abused and emotionally abandoned as a child. I coped by forgetting, shutting down and getting on with life. I was quite successful at it too. I was not a victim and took everything that life threw at me and with a spring in my step, made my way in the world. However, as I entered my 30s and realized that I was choosing the wrong partners again and again, I decided it was time to get some help and went to see my first therapist at the age of 36. I had been single since I was 21 and the few times that I dated, it was with men who were completely unavailable to me. I could see it again and again, and decided to discover why.
But I digress. I'm now 45 and after a few years of therapy in different forms, I am finally beginning to learn how to feel. I was always really proud that I wasn't emotional and out of control. I thought this was a good thing. It helped me to get things done. Now, I realize that suppressing my emotions is what caused a lot of my physical illnesses. I'm not sure about the relationship between emotions and my migraines, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was there somewhere.
So, today I am afraid. I am afraid to be my true self. I am afraid to receive too much attention. I am afraid to be too big. I am afraid that someone might actually read this.
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